

Renewable Resources

Renewable Resources

BIOBASED – Materials that are derived in whole or in part from biomass resources are biobased. Biomass resources are organic materials that are available on a renewable or recurring basis such as crop residues, wood residues, grasses, and aquatic plants.

BIOBASED PRODUCT – Any product that contains some amount of biobased material within is a biobased product. The term is typically applied to only materials containing carbon1.

Biobased Content Determination via ASTM D6866

Through radiocarbon dating techniques, ASTM D6866 can measure the exact percentage of a material that came from renewable sources. It must be noted though that a product’s biobased content is based ONLY on the organic (carbon-containing) fraction of the formulation.

Plantic uses renewable sourced raw materials such corn starch and polyethylenes derived from sugarcane. All PLANTIC™ products are tested for biobased content by globally recognidsed accredited laboratories and are certified by AB Vincotte.

PLANTIC™ HP being predominantly made from corn starch maintain over 80% biobased content.

PLANTIC™ laminated products predominantly made from PLANTIC™HP maintain between 60-80% biobased content.

For the certificates of the above, please visit the Plantic certification page.

A 100% renewable content grades of PLANTIC™ laminated materials with the incorporation of sugarcane based PE is near completion. This will be the first sugarcane based product available in Australia.



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